Renewable Energy

Vestman Energia AS has been contributing to the development of renewable energy since 2007, being among the first investors in AS Nelja Energia. 

Vestman Solar OÜ currently operates 37 solar parks in Estonia, situated on unproductive agricultural and forest lands. In addition, we are developing numerous wind, solar, and hybrid parks in Estonia and Latvia. View the locations of our developments on the map. Renewable energy facilities enhance energy security through local decentralized production, benefit local communities, and reduce electricity costs. The combination of renewable energy production with sustainable management of forests and farmlands significantly improves Vestman’s ecological footprint, allowing us to contribute effectively and cost-efficiently to achieving Estonia’s environmental and climate policy goals. Estonia aims to achieve a 100% share of renewable energy in electricity consumption by 2030, and onshore wind parks are crucial for achieving this goal. The next ten years will be globally crucial for addressing climate change, and the sooner we transition to renewable energy sources, the smaller the impact of climate change will be. 

We employ the latest and most energy-efficient technologies, constructing wind parks as hybrid solutions with solar parks and energy storage whenever possible, generating green electricity both, around the clock and the year. We are experimenting with innovative solutions, including joint land use for agriculture and solar energy to ensure energy and food security, contributing to soil fertility, carbon sequestration, and increased biodiversity. 

If you have any questions or collaboration ideas, feel free to contact us! 

Core Team: 

Hannu Lamp, tel: +372 51 41 800, 

M.Sc. Copenhagen Business School 

Hannu has over 20 years of experience in renewable energy, being the developer of Estonia’s first large wind parks (including Pakri, Paldiski) and an advisor on various Estonian and Lithuanian wind parks and other green projects in the field of CO2 emissions trading. 

Alo Allik, tel: +372 56506517, 

PhD. Estonian University of Life Sciences, MBA University of Tartu 

Alo has over 12 years of experience in renewable energy, working on various international research and development projects and analyses. 

Vestman Energia innovation investments 

Vestman invests in startups that care for the land, climate, and consequently, the future of humanity. We pay special attention to companies operating in Vestman’s core areas, including renewable energy. 

Some examples: 

Sunly AS 

Sunly is a company focused on renewable energy and cleantech innovation operating in the Baltic region and its neighboring areas. Established in 2019, the company erected its first solar parks in Poland in its first year of operation and continues to expand rapidly. 

Vestman Energia has invested through Sunly Innovation OÜ in several innovative initiatives supporting renewable energy development, such as Energiasalv (, UPcatalyst (, GridIO (, Themo (, and Solarstone ( 


Rexplorer is an Estonian software company whose innovative solution help to automatically estimate the feasibility of solar panels on a client’s property. 

Vestman’s solar and wind park locations 

Yellow – operational solar parks  

Green – wind and hybrid park developments 

What is the meaning of renewable energy and why is it important for our future? 

Renewable Energy Renewable energy is a form of energy production derived from natural sources such as solar, wind, and hydro energy. These sources are renewable, meaning they can be used in unlimited quantities with only minimal harmful effects on the environment. 

Renewable energy is important because it contributes to environmental and climate change mitigation. It helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Natural energy is also beneficial as it creates local jobs and enhances the stability of energy supply. 

One of the most popular energy sources are solar panels. Solar energy is a highly efficient way of producing energy, especially in areas where the sun shines frequently. Solar panels convert solar energy into electricity, which can be used in homes to reduce electricity bills. 

Another popular source of renewable energy is wind energy. Wind energy utilizes wind turbines that convert wind energy into electrical energy. New wind turbines allow emission-free electricity production in many locations. 

Hydro energy uses the power of water to generate electricity. This is typically achieved through hydroelectric power plants, where waterpower is used to turn a turbine, which then produces electricity. Hydro energy is a clean, efficient, and powerful source of renewable energy. 

Vestman develops and establishes solar and wind parks in Estonia, reducing the ecological footprint of fossil energy and increasing energy security through local decentralized production. We contribute to green innovation on a daily basis.