
Biodiversity and climate

If each of us does our best to save Mother Earth and ourselves from climate change, we can do it. We can’t guarantee everyone’s contribution on this planet, but we can do our best.

Vestman forestry consciously observes the principles that help the forest to grow to the maximum extent binding CO2 emissions. Different tree species have different CO2 sequestration capacity. It is also a changing tree in different age stages. The key here is not only increasing the volume of the forest in hectares, but also growing it in the right community and with the right techniques.

Well-functioning and species-rich ecosystems should not be preserved only for moral or nature conservation reasons, but also because they are associated with the benefits we need in life – material cycles, clean air and clean water, fertile soil and much more. Therefore, it is very important that we know how to stop the loss of species and know how to preserve and restore biodiversity. It is during the following decades that truly effective solutions must be found to slow down and mitigate climate change and to combine the natural environment and human well-being. (Aveliina Helm, botanist and ecologist, University of Tartu)